[HACC] Cooperation with renewable energy companies

Raphael Weniger raphael.weniger at acousticcloud.net
Fri Apr 26 19:36:19 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,

does someone know if there is some kind of cooperation between renewable
energy companies like Greenpeace Energy or Naturstrom (Germany) and
Hacker and/or Maker Spaces?

If not, I can try to get in contact with them or even the federal
association in Germany [1]. I'm curious if they can offer some kind of
special price conditions for those Spaces. Hacker and Maker Spaces are
quite energy hungry and often almost charitable organizations (sometimes
also in a legal sense). For renewable energy companies that translates
into earning some more money and supporting a good cause. On the other
hand Hacker and Maker Spaces can become more sustainable.

Best regards

[1] https://www.bee-ev.de

Raphael Weniger
raphael.weniger at acousticcloud.net
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