[HACC] International hacc call, today 18:00 UTC

Raphael Weniger raphael.weniger at acousticcloud.net
Thu Dec 10 14:26:14 CET 2020

Hi everyone,

just a quick reminder that today is the 10th of the month and there will 
be a hacc call at 18:00 UTC via

  - if there is the need, a small round of introductions
  - what happened since last time?
  - "haccer seeks" platform

Concering "haccer seeks" platform
The idea is to have a platform where hackers can publish and share their 
projects* and equally important ask/seek for support/partners.
I'm thinking about projects like precious plastic in Munich [1] or ecops 
[2] as well as a hacker that tries to establish some IT infrastructure 
for a local FFF group.

Maybe something like that is already established or in the making?
If no, how can we set up such a platform?
If yes, what is working, what is not working? Does it need more 

Best regards

* on climate change, sustainability, environment...

[1] https://preciousplasticmunich.de/
[2] https://hacc.uber.space/ecops

Raphael Weniger
raphael.weniger at acousticcloud.net
8861 EC34 029A 648B CE35
B0F6 E176 0613 C335 807A
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