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Revision as of 21:24, 13 June 2019


WE ARE AT KOMONA (IN FRONT OF ZELT 2 / MINIBAR) We are going together to a new location. Waiting until 19:20. We are @"CRANE LOUNGE" hall3 - near Borg (it has a giant crane)


  • Seth Contact: seth@hasi.it / DECT 7384
  • call +38640554854
  • Ask here! [...]

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

   Next pad: https://pad.totalism.org/p/hacc-2
   Read Version of this Document: https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=hacc

Are we only supposed to add new stuff to hacc-2 pad??? + That would be my question, too!

Hackers Against Climate Change @35c3 [discussion session]


   2018-12-29 23:56


<--------------- (new) ADD NEW UNSORTED INFO HERE

Group on "General infos and individual scale solutions" Notes from Session: https://pad.totalism.org/p/general-climate-change

Read Version of this Document: https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=hacc 35c3 Wiki: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session:Hackers_Against_Climate_Change

Meetings at 35c3:

   #1: Day 1 17-18 @ Room 14-15
   #2: Day 2 @M3
   #3: Day 3 (Dec 29), 19:00, Komona Assembly K2 
   #4: Day 4 (Dec 30), 14:00 @ M1 (Together with the XRebellion Session)

Document format definitions:

   * open questions are marked by using three questionsmarks afterwards ("???")
   * [...]

[style:theme-default][style:theme-bicolor][style:css-u_alt][style:css-sidetoc-u_smaller] [TOC]


"add me to some sort of a list".

A) SUBSCRIBE TO MAILING LIST https://hacc.uber.space/mailman/listinfo/hacc


      • Day 1 / 2018-12/27 17-18h @ Seminar room 14-15
   A project unmentioned in the first session: AAA Pödelwitz:

will project list appear here?:

   i hope the person who was doing original notes posts them here :) +1
   they're posted here: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Session:Hackers_Against_Climate_Change
   they will be merged to this pad later, I believe. :)

(Each of the following points is from a person in the room, more or less literally written down. Sometimes I couldn't reconstruct the person's entire comment or the URL. Different points might be from the same person.)

   In November 2018 there was a conference in Berlin "Bits und Bäume" ("Bits and Trees", about 1500 people) organized by CCC, FIfF, OKF and enviromnental organizations concerned with the intersection of sustainability and digitalization. 
   At the end 10 demands were published: https://www.degrowth.info/en/2018/12/a-conference-for-digitalization-and-sustainability-reflections-on-bits-baume/ 
   all the talks are available: https://media.ccc.de/c/bub2018
   someone who personally attended the climate conference shared the following quote: at the moment people (politicians) are looking for exponential technology solutions. We should help them figure out, with our domain knowledge, which of them are actually helpful (because probably it is not Blockchain).
   there is a lot of climate change denial even in people that are active against climate change, because we still _behave_ like there is no climate change.
   someone mentioned: Niko Paech, Professor for ecomonomy (especially post-growth-economy), sustainability researcher
   We should focus on changing the system and not only on climate change itself.
   blog on climate science, energy transition and society, caring about distribution of scientific results: https://clisciety.wordpress.com
   https://github.com/JuliaEnergy/PowerDynamics.jl: Package for dynamical modeling of power grids
   Für clisciety und PowerDynamics.jl --> bei c-base Lia suchen (oder strangeliATposteo.de anschreiben)
   http://worrydream.com/ClimateChange What can a technologist do about climate change. (not exponential stuff)
   Eva Infeld shared the following: System change is also about elections. Wants to create an app to gamify street campaigning. Come to the tea house to discuss!
   Tackle big industries. Support big campaigns, for example in the energy sector, "Ende Gelände" and for the agriculture industry "Free the Soil". There are campaign about cars. Campaigns rely on people power. The change rarely comes from politicians. Use your skills to support campaigns that already exist.
   https://www.imagineearth.info/ A world simulator game. futuristic persuasive approach. Looking for testers and feedback, and contributors. The game has a few hours of playing time.
   http://gainforest.org/ Deforestation is responsible for a lot of carbon emissions. Protecting trees is hard. Predict deforestation with AI using satellite images.
   hacker camps should be more sustainable. Energy meters etc., Solar grids
   https://twitter.com/altpwr For the hacker event in 2017 https://sha2017.org/ we build the world's first fully Open Source, low-voltage, decentralized, transparent DC grid. [1] and [2]. If interested in helping contact Hackerspace Revspace in Den Haag, the Netherlands: Ralph Benadski
   If you want to discuss about deforestation in the Amazonas: can we convince people to deinvest in products that generate deforestation?
   Carsten (dakse<ät>posteo.de), interested in the degrowth discussion. Important Question: Individual change or system change? Researcher Felix Ekardt: It is a ping pong effect, politicians are only able to change the entire system if there is already change going on from below, and more people can act sustainable on individual level if such behavior is encouraged by the rules and incentives of the system. 
   during last congress a list of challenges was compiled, what individuals can do personally and how to trigger more change.  For example: be a multiplicator: convince three people to change their energy supplier.
   He suggests that we form a group that works towards a climate neutral C3 event, for example 36C3.
   Tim: https://github.com/kolossos/energy-tests . Wind energy plants. Analysis of german power grid. And other hacking projects on energy (in the github-wiki).
   Timo was involved in “changing cities” in Berlin, lobbying for a law to improve cycling, walking, public transport. He wants to improve city life. He is founding the Cyclever company, for parcel logistics using cargo bikes and electric cars; looking for input.
   Broadening the scope: There are more existential risks than climate change, if you are interested in that, google it ;)
   a directly actionable solution: use an adblocker, this decreases traffic and computation usage.
   Ecosia is a search engine that spends ad revenue on re-forestation.
   Claudia is interested in starting or joining a divestment campaign w.r.t. to deforestation.
   /* postponed. Usefull pitch might follow later */ Rene: Agriculture is an important field, which can have a positive impact on climate. For example by burying CO2 as humus. He wants to found a think tank, create a web page to help farmers to find ecological ways to feed us.

      • Day 2 / 2018/12/28 18:30-19:30 @ Lecture room M3

Location : https://events.ccc.de/congress/2018/wiki/index.php/Room:Lecture_room_M3

Proposed structure

Discussion format: Fishbowl (max 7-8 people in inner circle, guest chair) Voting modality: (Dis-)Approval voting

Topics to discuss

   Where do we go from here?

(1st order of business, to get this out of the way)

   Meet-up at Camp, 36C3
   Establish an 'official' coordination/exchange group
   If yes: How far should this go?
   How to stay in contact? (avoid tool-discussion)
   Further meeting(s) at 35C3 - spin offs 
   Create a mailing list? Email being the minimal consensus - done

   Project: FridaysForFuture (international student strikes against climate change)
   inspired by greta thunberg (swedish student, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAmmUIEsN9A)
   motto: why go to school if there's no habitable future
   germany-wide strikes on the 18th of january
   call to action to mobilize locally

   OTHER EVENTS --- Activities at other events?

Did anyone manage to go to the other events (12 Characters, XRebellion)?

   PROJECT GROUPS --- Spin-off projects of this session (with perhaps separate meetings)
   Sustainable CCCamp
   Sustainable Congress
   Degrowth discussion (Carsten)
   Divestment w.r.t. deforestation (Claudia)
   Agriculture think-tank (Rene)

Long-term projects within the CCC

At the "tuwat" meeting early 2018 a working group called "Resources and Recycling" was founded. We were just 4 people but we are looking to attract participants in 2019. We will be at CCCamp and also at another summer camp (still in planning). Please add your email address below if you want to be added to our mailing list:


   to be added:

Questions for today!!!

   Will there be a "Bits & Bäume" 2019? No official announcement yet . However somebody said that there are already plans...https://bits-und-baeume.org That seems to have been a rumor, but the original organizers are very willing to support anyone.
   What are possible activities to do against climate change? (Especially on computers that are itself causing climate change)
   What are groups that alread exist and do something against climate change?
   How to develop law strategies that show why causing climate change is against human rights?
   Maybe https://www.foeeurope.org/climate-justice & http://www.caneurope.org/ ?
   How to actually show everyone climate change is real and everyone must change his behavior?
   What is really triggering human made global warming and how to stop that?
   Is mitigating climate change possible in a capitalist society? If not, where is it and how to effectively change to such a system
   is it good to use power consuming computers while discussing climate change? (doppelmoral
   is it good to derail discussions around this?

<----------------------------------------------- making notes here

How do we produce this in the future? What do we do next? What do we do with this group? Does a group like this exist, if not, are we this group?


  1. competence

Is there somebody with experience of moderating big groups?

"i would like to form smaller groups according to special topics" yes - let's do this

List of existing climate-related projects

   * hack for climate
       * http://hack4climate.org/  ???
   * Does someone know more about that project? There are a just buzzwords used (blockchain, AI) without any additional information how thoes tools could be used
   * "microsoft AI for earth" - is there more info available than the press relase from 2017? (https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2017/07/12/announcing-ai-earth-microsofts-new-program-put-ai-work-future-planet/) - isn't that just a PR-campaign?
       - to some extend, probably yes. But if you can justify spending the compute power on a worthwhile project, why not let 
   them sponsor it?
   * Here's how to make a "Feinstaubsensor" from Bits & Bäume this year: https://media.ccc.de/v/bub2018-153-feinstaubsensor_selbstgebaut
   * CHT hackbase in Lanzarote, Canary Islands [hackbase research in micro-subsistence, renaturing and coexistence]
   * Saving Ecology with Data - First Steps

<--------------------- (new): ADD EXISTING CLIMATE RELATED PROJECTS




how to collaborate on this topic? how to organize this? TO CONTINUE IN THIS DIRECTION, MAIL david@middlemachine.com

Contact X to join climate camps, etc. "Climatecamps in DE, etc, to both live together, sustainably, but also direct action against climate-change causing infrastructure - coal power plants, etc." CONTACT: kound@posteo.de

https://bits-und-baeume.org/de are a good event in Germany to bring hackers together with climate activists

 (decision to form group)

Let's form "HACKERS AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE GROUP" (To sustain it beyond just this event!) GROUP DECIDES: YES

shortened? alter name ideas?:

   * HACC? (pronounced: "hacc with double C")
   * HAC? (... "hac with one C")
   * climate change = climate disaster
   * Haccers !!
   * so sad, if one defines him/herself from what he/she hates
   * it isn't sad if somebody defines himself by being against bad things. It doesn't make him good though
   * HAF Hacking for a sustainable future.
   * MSC = More sustainable Congress/Camp

question: who is the contact person? -> see 1st line of this pad

Set up workflow systems! Please contact david@middlemachine.com

  • Mailing list to be created<-------

Use and related to bits & bäume!

  1. alike

 (GROUP 2 "FUTURE ASSEMBLY" aka "next congress ideas):
   * have an assembly at 36c3
   * ... with a stage !!!
   * climate neutral conference evaluation
   * [...]

mail blipp@mailbox.org

To split in 2 groups ? Assembly + stage | Climate neutral conf:

       work: stage, activities, etc
       next CCC camp!, 36c3, other CCC events
       co-ordinate with CCC orga

"One thing that works is DEGROWTH mindset - naming bad companies etc" "an existing issue of finding out "WHO OWNS CLIMATE CHANGE" is organizing data sources" "it's an IT challenge" (idea related to #bds)

For a climate neutral conference: There was last year a talk (in German):

   We are talking about 100 kg CO2 per person, which seems feasible to compensate. The emissions are mostly coming from traveling which I would exclude.
   I would perhaps prefer in the first year a voluntary model so that everyone can decide during the booking to compensate or not. This should be a no-brainer and we don't need discussions about higher ticket prices that are perhaps not affordable for everyone. Model similar to atmosfair.
   Other questions are: Can we change the power provider? At which points can we make the congress more efficient? Must the food area in the winter under one layer of glass?

The Camp should be more easily to get some power from sun. But in my eyes it's more important to use this to share knowledge so that the people installing more PV on the homes and companies.

Comments here:

   Isn't that meeting a good model of the world/humanity/politics in these days (it is just that nobody really has a plan and we don't even know how to develop one)

 proposed group #3: "DIRECT ACTION PROJECTS"



I copied the content of the notes below to the new pad, so this pad can be "archived" https://pad.totalism.org/p/hacc-2

idea // shape a vision "how to take data as value to force politics going in another direction" Data -> Values -> Argumentation

i am interested in this a lot - david@middlemachine.com

"I work in UN climate negotiation, and advise governments" slahoztheuer@cantab.net

"sometimes claims are made, but is it real or fake news"? "could this be solved, calculated inside a group?"

david: i think this is part of #representation seth wants to cite ... Tom Murphy, a california ballpark physisict with simple tools? https://dothemath.ucsd.edu

There is a project about open educational resources. It was presented at the Bit&Bäume conference. Maybe it's a good statring point, a resource for ideas or cooporation partner https://media.ccc.de/v/bub2018-192-offene_bildungsmaterialien_oer_fur_die_umweltbewegung https://open-educational-resources.de

Proposal for after fishbowl:

   * work on answers to the questions stated above or other questions brought into the discussion
   * mark open questions with "???" see above (line...83)

when we establish a communication channel:

   please have some way to present yourselves
   --> is this related to social media in any way or like a home / wiki page?

we will decide about this with group #1 above (workflow). contact david

project idea: "Reverse engineering of a plants life " Managing the future with climate change contact: Ludovic Delafontaine (ludelafo on Telegram)

(suggestion for mini projects) people should work closer with hackerspaces! contact hackerspaces.org spaces - for example leipzig dezentrale would be happy to be in contact! Work with electronics , sensors, PCB (Citizen science)

workgroup: summarize science research in a simple Open publication platforms Data interpretation


  • find and list them
  • ask them how we, as a specific group, could help them?


Find creative kinds of data repräsentation:

   * Hockey-stick curve as an animated LED-Strip
   *3d prints for haptic understanding of complex stuff

Hackers as a part of the problem? (Gadgets, gear acquisition syndrome and such) Hackers also as part of the solition. (Where does our money (pension fond) go?)

summary: (always at the bottom!!!)


   * some groups were built
   ** Future Assembly
   ** MAIN
   ** Direct action projects
   ** Data gathering, statistics etc.


   * LOOK AT THE WIKI!!! <- add notes from these sessions for historic
   * make a mailinglist and pads from this

Continuing talks:

   Gather previous CCC talks on this topic!
   (And previous initiatives at CCC Camp, etc)
   What existing activists want from hackers? (See above)

Planning NEXT:

   Talk about hacking ecology and collecting data - 17:00
   Meeting day3 - 18:30 for internal , 19:00 general
   @Komona next to the bar
   Break out in smaller groups that self organise.

      • Day 3 / 2018-12/28 19:00 @Komona (meet at bar)

wiki page still relevant !


   meet up of other group "hacking ecology"

day4 , 2pm @M1 "extinction rebellion non-violent direct action" group proposal: "representation politics / eu election co-ordination"

group proposal: "live sustainable in our private lives" controlling thermostats, ethical software and hosting, hackbases, ...

Now Break Out in Groups Until 20:15



  • one pad [xx]
  • mailing list (seth)
  • [...]


   * chat:
       IRC freenode/hackint #hacc
       telegram / slack
   * "mediawiki"
   * check loomio & "notion"
   * [...]


  • wind energy systems
  • "the grid" - electricity map
  • visualizations about the grid

  • collect sources of information:
   where is data coming from, available, ...

  1. tomerge with other sessions

  • journalists and media could publish this

it would be open-editable & CC

  • [::representation-systems] and media

ozone vs CO2

for assembly:

   * 2 projectors
   * show cool visualizations all the time
   * this groups collects and curates them:
   * also memes ?!

(Of this group) """ TO COLLECT - DOCUMENT - CURATE TO CONVINCE, RAISE AWARENESS, [and provide reproducible convincing] """

qqq: What is the audience? #LIST OF AUDIENCES

   Participants of the Congress, Camp and other CCC or more general hacker related events
   other groups of the green and sustainable movement???

qqq: Why are people not convinced? "it's affecting everyone ... if not directly, then indirectly"


  • to convince WHAT:
   * "to convince also THAT THERE IS STILL A CHANCE"
   * [...]


   * there is a problem
   * it can be solved
   * you have to do this



"I was working with fake news ..." "we started to develop knowledge management group for news" check: memex browser extension

day 4 @ 3pm room 14-15 "memex" browser extension ...

we need hardware infra:

   * [...]

HACC AS A SERVICE offer our skils to aliied groups scinetsit, demo, journalists etc

use stack overflow ? use it for climate change ARGUMENTATION in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES with tim at aldea-digital de

list of all SYSTEMATICS

linked data stuff

information appropriation action psychological means etc methodological tools to act together INFORMATION DESIGN .... emillian

  • [...]


<-------------------------------------------------(new)(now) Awesome-list inspired by HACC to collect and inform the hacker community on tech projects, causes and innovations in climate change - hoping to inspire immediate and disruptive technological climate action. Need your help! https://github.com/daviddao/code-against-climate-change

Day 4 orga meeting


Precious plastic: https://preciousplastic.com/

Resources and Recycling: Fraxinas (fraxinas@schaffenburg.org) from Aschaffenburg already talked to the CCC -> get into contact

______________please write only above this line :) _______________ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)